Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

So like everyone else on the world wide web, it is off for the holidays. I will be traveling to visit relatives this year, so it means no cooking and cleaning for me. For everyone who is interested in Black Friday sales, check out http://www.blackfriday.info/. As for me, I have done most of my shopping and trying to stay on budget. So my butt will be sleeping in to and not out in the stores. However, I do admit, I will miss the thrill of getting a good sale. As for my Thanksgiving list

First and foremost, I am thankful to God and his continuing blessing on my life. Without Him I am nothing, with Him I can accomplish anything, including buying this house.

Second, my family. They are a true testament to what you can do with hard work and determination. My parents came to the US with nothing and have provided the American dream for my sisters and I.

My " Mister"- he is truly the love of my life and he's on a budget. I hope I have had some positive influence on him. A great start in the right direction, especially if I am ever to become " Mrs. Penny"

My friends and line sisters- they are all truly my extended family and I love them!

Lastly, my job! I couldn't be on my way to building wealth if I didn't have some type of income coming in. It is a great position that I was blessed with a few months ago and I thank God that I am being paid to do what I love.

Whew...well that is it for me!

Happy Thanksgiving

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